MacAnders Transition® responds to emergency situations requiring the temporary support (3 to 18 months) of a manager capable of responding to a range of hot issues:

  • Replacing a senior manager or a manager at short notice
  • During a merger or an acquisition
  • Reorganising management for a project involving stringent time-related constraints
  • Temporary expertise (integrating an information system, managing a program to convert or upgrade the pace or productivity of a unit, reorganising a department, etc.)
  • Management of a critical situation
  • Providing a transition manager before final recruitment for a vacancy.

A transition manager is an experienced top executive or senior manager with a broad background (CEO, COO, etc.) or an expert manager (labour relations, IT, Finance & accounting, Supply Chain, Purchasing, etc.). MacAnders Transition® makes sure transition managers act within the framework of a well-defined assignment. With this in mind, the contexts, challenges and objectives are clearly defined by the consultant at briefing time. This decisive step is used to monitor the transition manager during his assignment, support or coach him. Lastly, monthly progress reviews (steering committee) are scheduled between the MacAnders Transition® consultant, the transition manager and the client, so as to focus the assignment and make certain milestones and objectives are met.